Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mary Poppins Had It Right: A Spoon Full of Sugar & Work

I (Lisa) hadn't intended to clean my office. I was innocently chatting via Skype with Wendy, and it just sort of happened. We were checking in with each other, both feeling fairly low energy, and Wendy mentioned a number of things she had to do. Then this came across my screen:

"There! I just picked up one folder and put it away as I'm done with it - (pattingselfontheback)."

We celebrated with a little emoticon party, then I realized that I, too, could put a folder away. So I did. Then I put away one more! I skyped to Wendy: "I see your folder, and raise you one!"

She countered with seeing my folder and raising me two books and a binder (and expressed jubilation at seeing carpet space!). I put away my camera, camcorder, and a plastic bag that was just laying on my desk.

Before I knew it, we were in an ad hoc online office clean-off. We went back and forth until we each had cleared a sizable space in our offices and had other commitments to attend to. I didn't clean my whole office, and this wasn't on my to-do list (which, these days, is nonexistent anyways). Instead, Wendy and I seized the moment, spurred each other on with our energy and encouragement, and accomplished something in the spirit of play. Something about the spontaneity, the online interaction, and having someone with whom to share the experience made this activity not just fun but memorable.

For those of us who live on Planet Chaos, play is powerful. We don't respond well to structure, have-to's, to-do lists. Instead, if we can create a spark when we do a task, even something mundane, we can make things happen and feel joy as we do.

When both Wendy and I had to leave, I hopped onto and dedicated this song to Wendy:–Mary+poppins. It seemed the fitting way to complete our experience. Enjoy, and maybe you'll get something done too!